Having your own startup cheerleading section – by Karen Crye

Most of my career has been spent in male-dominated industries.  Although women dominate residential real estate, guys rule in commercial real estate.  I love CRE, but it can be challenging.  So when I ventured into the world of tech startups where -- once again -- the majority of founders are male, I knew I was looking at yet another challenge.  And add in that most startups are led by men under the age of 30, and it gets to be even more of a contest for funding or inclusion into startup incubators. 

To my delight, I’ve found no shortage of people willing to give freely of their time to help me and my partner build our company.  I have never experienced such a plethora of support and encouragement.  And it’s not just women helping women; men have been equally as helpful.  Everywhere we turn there is someone who has done this before who is willing to donate his or her knowledge, experience and suggestions.  It’s like having my own cheerleading section.   

There are women angel funds, women VC funds, women incubators and women advisors.  And lots of men helping to encourage more women to start businesses. 

Here are a few organizations that I got from 37 Angels http://37angels.com/women-resources/

500 Women:  Funding Flawless Female Founders
Astia:  Network that offers access to capital and training/support for women entrepreneurs
FastTrac NewVenture:  Workshop that helps women turn their business idea into reality
Golden Seeds:  Angel investor network and fund investing in women entrepreneurs
In Good Company:  Co-working space for women entrepreneurs
Lioness:  Digital magazine for female entrepreneurs
Own It Ventures:  Meet and market to Angel Investors, the Media, Retailers and Consumers
Pipeline Fellowship:  Women investors investing in women led social enterprises
Springboard Enterprises:  Accelerator for women-led growth companies
The 85-Percent:  Strategic branding & marketing consultancy, targeting women consumers 
Women 2.0:  Content, community and conferences for women innovators in tech
Women Innovate Mobile:  Accelerator for women entrepreneurs leading mobile companies
Women’s Venture Fund:  Helps entrepreneurs through courses, counseling, credit and more 

The more I research, the more groups I find.  If you’re a woman entrepreneur, please share which organizations, people or lessons you have found to be helpful. If you’re a guy, tell us how you’ve coached entrepreneurs and if you’ve felt the need to coach differently to male or female business builders.